Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Our Trip After Our Trip

I was planning on my next post to be about our vacation we just got back from in Las Vegas. However, we had an unexpected trip upon returning home. We returned home late Sunday night and within 3 hours were on our way to the ER. My husband had chest pains and trouble breathing. He is a very healthy person normally so this was a bit of a scare.

After several hours and tests in the ER he was admitted to the Cardio Unit and very shortly after getting into his room and 2 more tests they found out he had pericarditis which is when the sac around the heart is inflammed. He was in extreme pain and just couldn't get comfortable. After several doses of some good meds and monitoring he was discharged late afternoon to come home. After getting home he developed a fever and was feeling worse than when he left the hospital. It was a long night but after getting a dose of some generic tylenol and his fever breaking around 2:30 am he was finally able to get some rest. We camped out in the living room last night since he needed to be upright in the recliner in order to make pain little more tolerable.

Today he's comfortable as long as he's not moving around. He can get short breaths without too much pain but not able to get a good deep one yet. I think those few hours of sleep really helped and he was also able to eat breakfast this morning. Hoping he just continues improving each day!

So, needless to say I've been little extra busy and tad out of my head without sleep and then just getting back from vacation things are little crazy here. I hope to be able to post some photos and share about our trip in next few days. Just need to take extra care of my man! Luckily our boys are good helpers and making sure Dad is not in need of anything!

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